Thursday, December 27, 2012

Nuzlocke Trio Introduction

Thought I'd go ahead and give a grand introduction of this concept. I and two friends of mine (Cyberohero and Charzonsos) are going to be playing a Nuzlocke challenge all at the same town and fictionalize it as though our three characters are traveling  together. We will be starting from the Kanto region with Fire Red and Leaf Green and we will hopefully travel all the way up through Unova in Black/White and Black/White 2. We shall chronicle these journeys in a couple different ways. Firstly we'll be doing a podcast during the actual run. We'll take cliff notes about our travels and compile them after the run and turn those notes either into a Nuzlocke Trio Comic or potentially into Audio Dramas.

One thing is for sure. The adventures we share will share should be enjoyable for us and for those who follow our journey via the interwebs. Ladies and Gentlemen! Prepare yourselves for Nuzlocke TRIO!!!

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