Sunday, December 16, 2012

How I'd make "Lucario and the Mystery of Mew" Better.

Instead of having Aaron be the noble hero all along I would have had him stop the war by seizing the power of the Tree of beginning and using it, and Mew, to force a peace to protect his home. However, power corrupts and absolute power corrupts absolutely. With Lucario, his last tie to the righteous path, imprisoned in his former staff of office; Aaron slowly descended into a madness that drove him to seize control of the kingdom under a sort of martial law, using the power of his corrupted Aura to 'protect' his people. History would wash away the man's sins as the rightful ruling family would regain control eventually and he would be misremembered as a hero.

The villains: Kidd and Banks. Make them descendents of the Corrupted Aura Guardians. Able to use the corrupted aura and intending to sieze the power of the Tree of beginning just as their ancestor did, but this time with the intention of ruling the world. However, with the presence of Ash, an uncorrupted Aura user, Lucario is reawakened into the world. The movie can play out practically the same from there but with the motivations of Mew changed to lead Ash to the tree where he and Lucario could set things right by defeating the Corrupted Aura Guardians. Kidd tags along keeping up the guise of a well-meaning adventurer only to attempt to sieze control of the tree once they reach the heart. (This essentially makes use of the setup of Kidd being an implied villain early on.)

Ash and Lucario learn the truth of Aaron's betrayal but he's still trapped in the tree like in the original version. They learn that the reason the Corrupted Aura Guardians don't already control the tree is that, in the end, Aaron realized his mistakes and returned the tree's power to it's rightful place with Mew.

Now Mew, with the help of Lucario and Ash, battles with Kidd the corrupt Aura user and they are able to defeat her and cleanse the aura. This cleansing comes with a cost, however, as the same ending plays out with Lucario giving up his aura to set things right and atone for his master's sins, admitting that even though Aaron betrayed his kingdom, his intentions had been noble and he had always been Lucario's friend regardless of his actions.

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