Tuesday, December 4, 2012

Another Rant xD

My blog is seeing some use out of this at least. I feel the need, yet again, to vent some frustration at my bafflement over human nature.

I was reading the comments on one of the Spoony One's videos. and I came across this...

((Here's a thought, maybe his colleagues stopped speaking to him because he acted like a disgusting and arrogant moron? Maybe Spoony was in the wrong and everyone who stopped talking to him was in the right, ever think of that? Probably not because fanboyism>moral decency.))

Here's the thing. If spoony allowed guest comments, or if the user who commented hadn't had an avatar along with his post, I would have glossed over this as I do so many other troll comments, but as it is...

WHY IN THE NAME OF HEAVENLY FUCK!? Would you maintain an account on the sight of an entertainer you clearly despise? For no other reason than to post belittling, libelous, and antagonistic comments apparently. I looked at the guy's profile out of curiosity and it showed his recent comments. Most of them were along the lines of "Spoony and his fans are a bunch of antisocial ass-clowns and should be shot on sight." WHY!? Just WHY!? What is the point in doing shit like that? I guess I'm no better with this blog post but seriously. This guy is ACTIVELY MAINTAINING AN ACCOUNT on a site he proposes to hate for the sole purpose of harassing Spoony's actual fans.

The moral of this story for all of you out there. If you don't like some one's content.... GTFO!

It's not that hard to click the [x] button on the tab, delete the site from your bookmarks and never speak of it again. If a Spoony fanboy, or any fanboy you have issue with, comes into YOUR home turf then fine, that's your area and he's the one trolling then. But so long as you are commenting on SPOONY'S VIDEOS then the fans of Spoony have the right to tear you a new asshole. Stop trolling our entertainment because more than likely we're not trolling yours.

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